Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Currency Wars: A Race to the Bottom of the Inflationary Barrel

Currency Wars: A Race to the Bottom of the Inflationary Barrel On YouTube.

10/18/2010 - Inflation fears are heating up this week as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave a speech in Boston on Friday, causing further frantic flight into gold by those fearful of the coming "quantitative easing" the Fed is set to deliver in November. Others who view gold as a short term investment engaged in immediate profit-taking after Bernanke's speech. Gold is more correctly viewed as insurance against bad monetary policy decisions that erode the value of savings. Those bad decisions keep coming at an ever faster clip these days and we hear more and more talk of currency wars especially between the dollar, the Chinese yuan, the Japanese yen, the Australian dollar, and the Euro. As the economies of the world continue to stagnate or contract, monetary policy decisions become more relevant to people who once thought this topic arcane. We have several examples this week of major fumbles on the part of the US Central Bank · The Federal Reserve continues to insist that inflation is too low, even while the monetary base remains at record levels, and food and gas prices continue to climb. · As the Fed continues to drive down the value of the dollar, the government accuses China of deliberately devaluing its currency, and the House has passed legislation aimed at punishing China for this alleged devaluation. · Low returns on US bonds are driving investors into higher-performing foreign bonds. Some of these countries are responding by reinstituting capital ...

Tags: ron paul, inflation, currencies, fiat money, congress, finance, economy, news, gold

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